How to Install Sigstore Policy Controller

Install the Sigstore Policy Controller into a Kubernetes Cluster

The Sigstore Policy Controller is a Kubernetes admission controller that can verify image signatures and policies. You can define policies using the CUE or Rego policy languages.

This guide will demonstrate how to install the Policy Controller in your Kubernetes cluster and enable policy enforcement.


To follow along with this guide, you will need the following:

  • A Kubernetes cluster with administrative access. You can set up a local cluster using kind or use an existing cluster.
  • kubectl — to work with your cluster. Install kubectl for your operating system by following the official Kubernetes kubectl documentation.
  • The Helm command line tool to install the Policy Controller.

Once you have everything in place you can continue to the next step and install the Policy Controller.

Step 1 — Creating the cosign-system Kubernetes Namespace

The first step that you need to complete is to create a Kubernetes namespace for the Policy Controller to run in. Call it cosign-system and run the following command to create it:

kubectl create namespace cosign-system

Now you can move on to the next step, which is installing the Policy Controller into the namespace you just created.

Step 2 — Installing the Policy Controller

In this step we’ll use the helm command line tool to install the Policy Controller.

First, add the Sigstore Helm Repository to your system with the following command:

helm repo add sigstore

You should receive output like this:

"sigstore" has been added to your repositories

Next, update your local Helm repository information using the helm repo update comand:

helm repo update

You’ll receive output like the following:

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "sigstore" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

Now install the Policy Controller into the cosign-system namespace that you created in the first step of this guide:

helm install policy-controller -n cosign-system sigstore/policy-controller --devel

The --devel flag will include any alpha, beta, or release candidate versions of a chart. You can specify a particular version with the --version flag if you prefer.

It may take a few minutes for your cluster to deploy all of the manifests needed for the Policy Controller. Check the status of your cluster using the kubectl wait command like this:

kubectl -n cosign-system wait --for=condition=Available deployment/policy-controller-webhook && \
kubectl -n cosign-system wait --for=condition=Available deployment/policy-controller-policy-webhook

Once the Policy Controller deployments are done you will receive output like the following:

deployment.apps/policy-controller-webhook condition met
deployment.apps/policy-controller-policy-webhook condition met

A full list of the resources that the Policy Controller deploys into your cluster is available at the end of this guide in Appendix — Resource Types.

You have now deployed the Policy Controller into your cluster. The next step is to enable it for the namespaces that you want to enforce policies in.

Step 3 — Enabling the Policy Controller

Now that you have the Policy Controller installed into your cluster, the next step is to decide which namespaces should use it. By default, namespaces must enroll into enforcement, so you will need to label any namespace that you will use with the Policy Controller.

Run the following command to include the default namespace in image validation and policy enforcement:

kubectl label namespace default

Apply the same label to any other namespace that you want to use with the Policy Controller.

Now you can test enforcement by running a sample pod:

kubectl run --image nginx

The Policy Controller will deny the admission request with a message like the following:

Error from server (BadRequest): admission webhook "" denied the request: validation failed: no matching policies: spec.containers[0].image

The image is not admitted into the cluster because there are no ClusterImagePolicy (CIP) definitions that match it. In the next step you will define a policy that allows specific images and apply it to your cluster.

Step 4 — Defining a ClusterImagePolicy

Now that you have the Policy Controller running in your cluster, and have the default namespace configured to use it, you can now define a ClusterImagePolicy to admit images.

The following policy will allow any Chainguard Image hosted on the registry to run on a cluster, while denying any other images.

Open a new file with nano or your preferred editor:

nano /tmp/cip.yaml

Copy the following policy to the /tmp/cip.yaml file:

kind: ClusterImagePolicy
  name: chainguard-image-policy
    - glob: "**"
    - static:
        action: pass

The glob: "**" line in combination with the action: pass portion of the authorities section will allow any image in the image registry to be admitted into your cluster.

Save the file and then apply the policy:

kubectl apply -f /tmp/cip.yaml

You will receive output showing the policy is created: created

Now run the image again:

kubectl run --image nginx

Since the image matches the policy, you will receive a message that the pod was created successfully:

pod/nginx created

Delete the pod once you’re done experimenting with it:

kubectl delete pod nginx

To learn more about how the Policy Controller admits images, review the Admission of images page Sigstore documentation.

Appendix — Resource Types

A complete Policy Controller installation consists of the following resources in a cluster:

Type Name
ClusterRole policy-controller-policy-webhook
ClusterRoleBinding policy-controller-policy-webhook
ConfigMap config-image-policies
Deployment policy-controller-policy-webhook
Role policy-controller-policy-webhook
RoleBinding policy-controller-policy-webhook
Secret policy-webhook-certs
Service policy-webhook
ServiceAccount policy-controller-policy-webhook

Last updated: 2024-05-10 13:11